Sales Invoice Automation: Milestone & Subscription

Extend Odoo's invoicing functionality with milestone and subscription invoice terms; milestone terms allow invoicing based on predefined percentages and dates, while subscription terms provide recurring payment options.

US$ 300,00 300.0 USD US$ 300,00 Tidak Termasuk PPN

US$ 300,00 Tidak Termasuk PPN

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Pengiriman: 2-3 Hari Kerja

Sales Invoice Automation: Milestone & Subscription

Extend Odoo's invoicing functionality with milestone and subscription invoice terms; milestone terms allow invoicing based on predefined percentages and dates, while subscription terms provide recurring payment options.

US$ 300,00 300.0 USD US$ 300,00 Tidak Termasuk PPN

US$ 300,00 Tidak Termasuk PPN

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In Odoo, invoice terms management is on the products only and do not propose the options Milestone or Subscription.

For Milestone invoice terms:

The milestone feature is an important missing invoicing terms in Odoo.

For subscription invoice terms:

Odoo decided to manage subscription like an independant object, quite in parallel to sales order and not like an extra invoicing policy. 


For Milestone Invoice Term:

On sales order, you can define an Invoice terms policy based on milestone (40%/40%/30% for instance), created from scratch or from a template and give the forecasted invoice date.

When the event occurs, you can define the milestone term invoice date. You will get the invoice related to the milestone automatically at the date.

For Subscription Invoice Term:

Cluedoo defines subscription invoice term as an extra invoicing policy you propose to your customer for a sales order.

For instance, for an order of 18 000€, you propose to your customer to invoice 100% at order (invoice based on ordered quantity) or you propose to your customer to invoice monthly 1 500€ (invoice based on monthly subscription). As the subscription is just an invoicing term option, we prefer to keep the management at the sales order level and not managing another object.


In some sales cases, we usually have payment terms split into several payment, such as Payment I : 30%, Payment II : 50%, Payment III : 20%. How to make it? How can we know how much %, we already invoiced?
The answer is Invoice milestone. We can split the invoice, schedule it, and control the % invoiced.


To be installed for all companies using invoicing terms of type Milestone or Subscription.

Cluedoo Invoice terms do not cover the same scope than Odoo Subscription. However, in practice, if we install Cluedoo Invoice Term, we advice to avoid the use of Odoo Subscription.

Moreover, our invoice term approach is extended to purchase order and so give the flexibility to use Subscription invoice term on purchase side.

Odoo Subscription is adapted when you do not have ending date on contracts.

Tips 1: the module decided to cover the situation of invoice term is managed at the sales order level, which is the most common, and the simplest situation. However, the module is designed in a way you can decide to manage it at the sales order line level and so to give specific invoice term for each line.

Tips 2: in Odoo, you cannot have a global view of your sales, with both the sales order and the subscription. Indeed, sales order related to a subscription only include the amount of 1 subscription and not the total amount of the contract. 

With Cluedoo approach, the sales order amount includes the global amount of all your contracts and so give you visibility on your real sales amount, 


Invoice Rules



Invoice merge


Go to Sales → Configuration → Settings. Cluedoo provides configuration panel for invoice milestone


On Sales → Configuration → Invoice Rules Template, we can create a template for invoice rule. Set Percentage, Invoice date, and Invoice Forecast Date. We also can directly take this template by clicking Take Template button.


Sales → To Invoice → Invoice Rule. We directly have invoice term from the template. Give the invoice date


Now create a quotation, select invoice rule. On Other Info, we have Auto Run Invoice Milestone  is checked automatically because we already set it on configuration panel.


Confirm quotation, and you will have Run Invoice Milestone button. When you click that button, invoice will be created automatically based on the invoice date that we already set on invoice rules.
In this example, first invoice rule is 50% for the date 02/01/2021. Today is 02/01/2021, so when we click Run Invoice Milestone, it creates the invoice for 50%.
For the next invoice, it will be created automatically for the next date as we already set Auto Run Invoice Milestone.

Warning: the autorun will work best for orders with less than 10 lines. If you have bigger orders, you may have to increase the server limit for the invoice milestone to work.


On each line, we can see the information of invoice rule: next invoice, percentage, and view invoice rule



We can set invoice rule for each partner


When we create a sale order and select invoice rule, it will only show the invoice rule of the partner